Raeside Chisholm Solicitors

The directors of Raeside Chisholm are experienced solicitors who enjoy a deserved reputation in Glasgow and beyond for personal attention allied to a commitment to outstanding levels of quality legal services. For enquiries, please contact us on 0141 248 3456.

Campaign Group formed to represent property owners with “Grenfell style” cladding

A new campaign group has been set up to allow the representation of people in Scotland who have been affected by a combination of UK and Scottish Law, which has left many people across the country unable to sell their properties.

Following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, Mortgage Lenders issued guidance which said that properties over 18 metres high with any cladding, required to provide written confirmation that they meet fire safety standards set out by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.  The problem has arisen however that there is no clear guidance as to what tests are required, or who are authorised to carry them out and so because of this, many homeowners have found that when they try to sell their property, Surveyors have given them “nil valuations”.

The formation of the High Rise Scotland Action Group means that residents, owners and owner’s associations will be able to contribute to review of building and fire safety regulation, which will be led by the Ministerial Working Group for Building and Fire Safety, chaired by Kevin Stewart, who is the Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning.

Contact our Property Solicitors, Glasgow

Call us on 0141 248 3456 or fill out our online enquiry form.

Tax cut announced for Scottish Homebuyers
Scottish Property Markets emerges from lockdown

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