A highly publicised dispute between Madonna and Guy Ritchie over custody of their son has finally been settled, the Daily Mail reports.

The celebrity couple were married in 2000 but went through a divorce eight years later. They have one son together, Rocco, who is now 16-years-old.

The dispute apparently began last December when Rocco, who normally lived with his mother, was travelling with her for part of her worldwide tour. Rocco left this tour and went to stay with his father in London. He then ignored a court order to fly back to live with his mother in New York.

The former couple had been due to attend a court hearing on the matter earlier this month, but apparently reached an agreement shortly before the hearing was due to start.

The Daily Mail reports that under the terms of the agreement, Rocco will continue to live with his father in London, but will visit regularly with his mother.

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