Obviously at this crucial stage, every little bit can help when you are faced with finding a deposit, removal costs, and legal fees, to say nothing of furnishing and decorating your new home!

One of the important ways that you can get “money for nothing” is to open a Lifetime Isa (known as a LISA). If you are aged between 18 and 39, you should do this as soon as possible. You can save up to £4000 a year in it, and the state adds another 25%, on top of the interest that you will earn anyway – so you could get as much as £1000 a year free. As the LISA has to be open for a year to get this bonus, you should open an account and pay even £1 in to start the clock ticking – this means that when you are ready to save, you will be able to qualify for the bonus quicker.

When you first contact us, if you let us know that you wish to use the LISA funds for part of the deposit, and we can let you know how the deposit can be claimed.