One of the UK’s largest care providers, Mitie's has been accused of not been paying staff the minimum wage. The news comes following a BBC report that stated the chief executive of the company was due to answer government officials over the allegations.

The results found that the care company were not paying some staff in England and Wales the minimum wage, however, it was the elderly patients that were suffered as a result.

Elderly Suffering as Costs Cut

It is alleged that as part of the plan for the company to cut costs staff were not being paid for the time it takes to travel between clients and they are encouraged to cut visits short.

A carers timesheet obtained by the BBC showed that she was encouraged to clip her visits, with the time spent with patients reduced by 40% over two weeks.

A Care Quality Commission inspection into certain geographical locations covered by the care company showed that many of the carers were unlikely to stay the correct amount of time due to rushing to get to the next location.

Minimum Wage

Some carers were told they had to move on or just call the ambulance service even if the patient was ill or had a fall. HMRC announced in February that it was investigating six of the UK's biggest providers of social care for elderly and disabled adults and has promised to name and shame those who are putting financial gain over care of the elderly.

It is illegal to pay anyone under the minimum wage.

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