Staff at Allan Bank in Grasmere were surprised and delighted to receive a cheque for £100,000 from a visitor recently.

According to the Westmorland Gazette, Antony Elliot handed over the cheque to staff on behalf of his cousin Brenda Donoghue, who had died in April 2012. Ms Donoghue, a former nurse, had left a bequest in her will in favour of the National Trust in the Lake District.

Allan Bank was rented by William Wordsmith for three years from 1808 and is now owned by the National Trust.

"This will allow us to continue some of the vital work needed to restore and conserve Allan Bank,” Manager Dave Almond, told the Gazette. “This is the first step in a very exciting project that will allow us to recreate the original views and restore the kitchen garden, as well as creating more spaces for books and reading.”